I don't have the final number but we were able to raise more than expected for the DV Unit. With these funds, we'll be able to positively impact many lives and get them started towards a new, positive direction.
Without the following businesses' support, we couldn't have been so successful today:
- Dunkin' Donuts in Beverly for donating muffins, donuts and coffee
- Chobani for donating yogurt
- Shaws of Beverly for donating apples and bananas
- Stop 'n Shop of Beverly for donating water
- Elizabeth Grady of Beverly for donated an $80 gift certificate that we raffled off and one of our lucky runners won today
- Beverly Hospital and Landmark at Oceanview both made significant financial contributions to help us defer our costs for the race
- Greater Boston Running Company donated 2 gift certificates for the top runners
- Rejuvenate Wellness for donating 2 gift certificates for top runners
Thank you also to Waters and Brown who recently donated paint and supplies so we can add color to the DVU office so it's a more calming environment for victims to talk and receive counsel in.
We are looking forward to next year already. I hope, if you joined us, you'll run or walk again. If you weren't able to, we hope you will next year. Stay tuned for pictures from the event and news on our 2013 run/walk!